Tag Archive: investments

  1. SMSFs – who’s investing in what?

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    Here’s the latest snapshot from the ATO (out quarterly) of what SMSF Trustees are doing with their money:

    • 516,925 total number of SMSFs representing 986,441 trustees
    • Controlling 31.5% of all Super assets (up from 10% just a  decade ago) at over $531b
    • Average fund balance over $1m
    • As at Sept 13, 77% of all SMSF assets in direct Australian Shares (32.3%), Cash and Term Deposits (29%) and directly held Property (15.3%).
    • The remaining 23% is spread across Unlisted Trusts (9.2%), Listed Trusts (3.6%), Other Managed Investments (4.3%) and remaining (6.3%) spread across 12 other categories.

    Broken into SMSF size:

     Fund Weightings1

    As against 10 years ago, cash has been the big winner against directly held shares (25% and 31% respectively), with property and trusts largely stagnant, though down from 10% for the $150-250K band.

    How is your Fund positioned, and is it likely to change over the next 10 years?