2016 Superannuation Reforms passed both houses

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  1. Superannuation Guarantee frozen until 2021

    The government has just announced that it had been successful in gaining support for the repeal in the Mining Tax Tax, but with that comes a freeze on the increase in Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC). Until this year’s budget, the Labor government had SGC reaching 12% by 2019. This change sees it staying at 9.5% until 2021 before increasing in... More Information

  2. Superannuation largely untouched in “tough measures” budget

    Nearly 2 weeks after the Budget announcements, the news is ablaze with protests and opinions on the likelihood of the measures being legislated. But from a Superannuation perspective, it’s largely business as usual. Here’s our take: The government saw reason and has announced measures to allow Excess Non-Concessional Contributions to be withdrawn (along with any associated earnings) where a Non-Concessional Contribution Cap... More Information